About me

Tanya has always loved writing and completed an arts degree in media communications (journalism) in 2000. During her arts degree she explored desktop publishing, graphic design and copy writing as editor of the student union magazine. 
In 2002-2003, Tanya focused on painting the idea 'there is a difference' and manifested the 'creation' series. In 2004, Tanya exhibited a new series titled 'yogini performs asana'. These four paintings are a precursor to her future directions in design and printing.
After becoming a mother and undertaking post-graduate study (Graduate Diploma of Education), Tanya reestablished herself in visual arts in 2006 - this time focusing on fibre arts - dyeing, stenciling and fabric painting. The 'kaleidoscopic clothes' era spanned until 2008. Tanya created more than 500 pieces of wearable art within this period, primarily for children, and sold them through her online stores. She also exhibited in 2007.
Tanya's current focus is sharpening her copy and editing skills while working in marketing communications in the public sector. Although she has a visual arts exhibition planned for mid 2010, most of her spare time is now spent on researching new and social media and preparing to write her first book.